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Join the fight against pancreatic cancer! The 2015 Pancreatic Cancer Research Walk is Sunday, November 1st at Sloan's Lake Park, Denver, CO.

All the money raised goes directly to pancreatic cancer research thanks to the Lustgarten Foundation!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Famous and Pancreatic Cancer: Pete Burness. Director, Animator and Oscar Winner.

Pete Burness was well known for directing Mister Magoo as well as contributing creatively to Rocky & Bullwinkle, Tom & Jerry, Capt Crunch, George of Jungle ... and many other 60's animated classics.  

Like so many, his life came to a close too soon.  He was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in mid-60s and passed away a mere 6 weeks later.

Here's one of his Oscar winners ...

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